Retail Scales With Dual Range Capacity Can Make You More Profit On Each Transaction

Looking to make a little more money on each transaction at the farmers market or produce stand?   Then, take a look at our CAS S2000JR Price Computing scale with dual range capacity.   The dual range capacity of this legal for trade scale can make you a little extra cash on each transaction.  Lets see how.

In this case we will look at the traditional standard 30 x 0.01 lb scale versus the 0-15 x 0.005 lb / 15-30 lb x 0.01 lb dual range CAS Model.  We’ll weigh the same item and it will have the same price per pound.  See example below.


Standard ……………………………………… CAS S2000JR
0.01 scale……………………………………. 0.005 lb scale
$8.99 ……… Price Per Pound …………….. $8.99
0.90 lb …….. Weight registered ………….. 0.905 lb
$8.09 ….. Amount Your Customer Pays….. $8.14
Result:  5 cents extra on this transaction

Now, multiply your 5 cents by 100 transactions a day = $5
Finally, multiply your $5 gain per day times 365 days = $1825

With this example, you can easily see how a dual range scale can provide you with higher accuracy and put a lot more money in your pocket.

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