CAS Corporation model S-2000Jr. is a general purpose price computing scale for direct sale of commodities in stores such as: supermarkets, delicatessens and groceries. The Model S2000 Jr. price computing scale is available in several different configurations, they include three multi-interval capacities and two display configurations. This scale has an eternal lb/kg conversion switch. The scale has dual markings and the lb/kg switch changes enunciators for proper indications. Tare weight may be entered using: platter tare, key board tare and tare programmed with a PLU.
The scale features a choice of LCD or VFD Displays, Stainless Steel Platter, 1/2lb And 1/4lb Keys where allowed, 3 Direct PLU’s & 199 Indirect PLU’s and choice of Optional Pole Display. The S2000JR also includes an RS-232C serial port for interfacing to the DLP-50 label printer.
RS-232C Interface.
When it comes to displays for the CAS S2000JR scale, VFD is green digits with black background. LCD is black digits with gray background. Battery power is available with LCD models but is NOT available with VFD models. Max capacities include 15 lb, 30 lb or 60 lb in either VFD or LCD with or without pole.
The overwhelming feature of the S2000JR is the serial interface that easily allows for printing labels with the optional label printer. The label information that is printed is the very basic info, but in a lot of cases, that is all users really need. It is more than likely the most cost effective label printing price computing scale on the market.