Usually about this time of the year many customers start thinking about last minute preparations as they get ready to sell at the market. One of the often forgotten items is making sure your scale is still weighing accurately. Often the digital scale is just used at the market each week and then placed over in the corner of the utility room until you need it next spring. So it is usually a good idea to take your scale out and make sure it is working correctly. You might place a few items on the scale and make sure the weights are consistent. Also enter a few prices using the keypad to make sure all your number buttons are working correctly on the keypad. That is assuming you have a price computing scale with full keypad. If you just have a retail scale with a couple of buttons, make sure those buttons work. For example the “tare” button can be tested to make sure it works.
If anything is not working properly, be sure to call your local scale company and make an appointment for a scale repair and calibration. The reason we suggest calling ahead relates to several issues. Often a scale company has technicians but they are out on job sites, so you could show up and have to wait or leave your scale by dropping it off. Also if you have any issues with your scale, call ahead and mention that and perhaps the scale dealer has some spare load cells or keypads in stock for your particular item.
Hopefully this advice makes sense and can save you some time and money for the 2013 season at the farmers market or produce stand.